Tachyon Un-Xmit - Using the Command Line Interface Interactive Mode

When the Tachyon Un-Xmit Command Line Interface program (tux) is invoked, it attempts to obtain the information it needs from the command line parameters. If any required information is not specified in the command line parameters, you will be prompted for the information.

When you are asked to respond to a question, you should type your response and press the ENTER key. Some questions will include a default answer in square brackets: e.g. Transmitted data set number [1]:
For this question, if the correct answer is 1, you only need to press the ENTER key. For most questions, you can terminate the current function by responding with a capital Q and pressing the ENTER key.

Unless one of the -s, -l or -e command line parameters are specified, Tachyon Un-Xmit will prompt you to select a function. The functions are: Summary, List, Extract and Quit. Until the Quit function is selected, you will be prompted to select a new function once the previously selected function is complete.


The Summary function prints a short report summarizing the contents of the TRANSMIT file. No further information is required to produce a summary report.


The List function prints the contents of a data set. If the TRANSMIT file contains more than one data set and the -file command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted to enter the data set number. For a PDS, a list of the directory will be produced. For a message data set, the contents will be printed. The List function is not useful for a sequential data set.


The Extract function extracts a sequential data set or one or more members of a partitioned data set.

  1. If the TRANSMIT file contains more than one data set and the -file command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted to enter the data set number.
  2. If the -out command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted to enter the output file name for a sequential data set or the output path pattern for a partitioned data set.
  3. If the -type command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted for the output file type. Then depending on the type, you may be prompted for information specifically required for that type as descibed below. Once all of the information is obtained, the extract function will be started.
  4. During the extraction, if an output file already exists and neither the -replace nor the -noreplace command line parameters were specified, you will be asked if you want to replace the file or to skip the extraction.

TOS, IBM and Delink Extract

For TOS, IBM and Delink extraction types, no additional information is required.

Text Extract

For an extraction of a sequential data set or non-load library PDS to text files, Tachyon Un-Xmit may ask you for more information.
  1. If the -lrecl command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted for the maximum record length. Any output records longer than the value entered will be truncated.
  2. If neither the -strip nor the -nostrip command line parameters are specified, you will be asked if you want records ending with characters less than or equal to X'40' to be stripped of those characters.
  3. If the -tabs command line parameter is not specified, you will be asked if you want tab compression of the output records and if so, for the tab stop increment.
  4. If neither of the -dos or -unix command line parameter are specified, you will be asked for the line end style.

Dump Extract

For an extraction to a formatted dump, if the -lrecl command line parameter is not specified, you will be asked if you want the dump in narrow (16 bytes per line) or wide (32 bytes per line) format.

Convert Extract

Since the convert type extraction requires you to specify all of the information needed to define the output file format, the majority of the command line parameters apply to this extraction type.
  1. If the -format command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted for the output file format.
  2. If the -lrecl command line parameter is not specified, you will be prompted for the logical record length.
  3. If the -blksize command line parameter is not specified and the output file format is blocked or spanned, you will be prompted for the block size.
  4. If neither the -trunc nor the -notrunc command line parameters are specified and if the output record length is less than the original data set’s record length, you will be asked if you want records longer than the specified output record length to be truncated.
  5. If the -char, -nostrip and -format f command line parameters are not specified, you will be asked to enter the 2-digit hexadecimal value of the character to be used when padding or stripping records.
  6. If neither the -strip nor the -nostrip command line parameters are specified, you will be asked if you want records ending with the specified strip character to be stripped of those characters.
  7. If neither the -ascii nor the -noascii command line parameters are specified, you will be asked if you want the output records to be translated using the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table.

Relink Extract

If you want to relink load library members, Tachyon Un-Xmit may ask you for more information.
  1. If neither the -sysprint nor the -nosysprint command line parameters are specified, you will be prompted for the binder listing file name or path pattern. If you do not enter a file name or path pattern, the listing will be written to stdout.
  2. If the -bindparm command line parameter is not specified, you will be asked for the -parm value to be passed to the binder.

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© Copyright 1999-2001, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on March 17, 2001