Tachyon Linkage Editor - Command Line Interface

The Tachyon Linkage Editor can be invoked either via JCL or via the command line interface described here. The JCL interface is described in the Tachyon Operating System User’s Guide. The command line interface is invoked via the tle program.

The most obvious way to start the tle program is by opening a command-line window and typing the command. The tle program can also be started from make or other programs or script files.

The command line syntax for the Tachyon Linkage Editor command line interface program is:

tle [-@parameter-file-name] [-parm parameters]
    [-syslmod path-pattern] [-o member-or-file-name]
    [-sysprint[+] file-name] [-systerm[+] file-name]
    [-Spath-pattern]... primary-input-file-name...
The command line interface program name is tle. If the directory containing the tle program is not in the PATH, then the path name must be specified. e.g. C:\Tachyon\tle
The names of one or more files containing the primary input is required unless the primary input consists of control statements piped to or redirected to stdin as ASCII text.
The -@ command line parameter may be used to provide the linkage editor with command line parameters that are in a file. This can help you overcome the severe limitations on the length of the command line imposed by Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME. (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux and UNIX do not have these limitations.) A file name must immediately follow the -@ parameter. Multiple -@ parameters are allowed but the -@ parameter itself is not allowed within a file referenced by the -@ parameter. The -@ parameter is logically replaced with the contents of the file.
-parm parameters
The -parm option provides the linkage editor options.
-syslmod path-pattern
The -syslmod parameter specifies the path pattern of the SYSLMOD simulated partitioned data set to which load module files will be written. If the -syslmod option is not set but the -o option is set, the tle program attempts to infer the path pattern from the -o option value. If neither -syslmod nor -o are set, the default SYSLMOD path pattern is &m.pgm.
-o member-or-file-name
The -o parameter specifies the default load module member name used when the primary input files do not end with a NAME statement. If a file name is specified instead of a member name, then the -syslmod option should be omitted and the Tachyon Linkage Editor will infer the -syslmod path pattern and default member name for the -o file name.
-sysprint file-name
The -sysprint parameter specifies the file name of the listing file. If this parameter is omitted, the listing file will not be produced. If the parameter is specified as -sysprint+, the listing will be appended to the end of the file if the file already exists.
-systerm file-name
The -systerm parameter specifies the file name of the message file. If this parameter is omitted and the NOTERM option is not set, the messages will be written to stdout. If the parameter is specified as -systerm+, the messages will be appended to the end of the file if the file already exists.
The -S parameter may be used to list the paths that are to be searched for autocalled or included secondary input files. Multiple -S parameters are allowed and the linkage editor will search the path patterns in the order specified. A path pattern must immediately follow the -S parameter.

Note: For compatibility with the obsolete Tachyon 390 Emulator’s binder program, an alternate command line interface can be invoked through the b390 program. The parameters accepted by the b390 program are identical to those accepted by the tle program. Additionally, b390 accepts the -r and -e options. The -r option causes the LET option to be appended to the -parm string. The -e option causes the EP option and the -e parameter value to be appended to the -parm string. The b390 program is only distributed with the Windows version of the product.

Also for compatibility with the old binder program, both the tle and the b390 programs accept (and ignore) the -asa option. The Tachyon Linkage Editor always produces the listing file with ASA control characters.


Example using a parameter file:

If a file named linker.rsp contains the following:

-o loadmod.pgm
-parm "AMODE=31,RMODE=ANY"
"-S..\object\&m.obj" "-Sc:\lib\&m.obj"
objfile1.obj objfile2.obj
you can use the following command line to invoke the linkage editor:
tle -sysprint map.lst -@linker.rsp objfile4.obj
to get the same effect as the following command line:
tle -sysprint map.lst -o loadmod.pgm -parm "AMODE=31,RMODE=ANY" "-S..\object\&m.obj" "-Sc;\lib\&m.obj" objfile1.obj objfile2.obj objfile3.obj objfile4.obj

Example using JCL:

The following JCL can be used to invoke the Tachyon Linkage Editor:
//SYSPRINT DD PATH='link.map'
//SYSLIN   DD PATH='myprog.obj'

Given these DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file statements:


the above JCL is equivalent to the following command line:

tle -sysprint link.lst "-SC:\Tachyon\csslib\&m.obj" -syslmod "&m.pgm" -o MYPROG -parm "REUS=RENT,AC=1" myprog.obj C:\Tachyon\csslib\yourprog.obj

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© Copyright 1999-2005, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on April 13, 2005