Tachyon Linkage Editor - Options

The options supported by the z/OS Binder and the Tachyon Linkage Editor are described in the z/OS Program Management manual. This guide shows the options supported by the Tachyon Linkage Editor but does not include the details about each option which are already provided in the z/OS Program Management manual.

Options are set via the -parm parameter of the tle or b390 command line, the EXEC JCL statement’s PARM parameter or the SETOPT statement. Options may also be read from an options file. If multiple options are specified, they must be separated by commas.

Some of the options can be negated by prefixing the option name with “NO”. Some options must be specified with the value of the option. The three allowed formats of options with values are: option=value, option(value) and option=(value). If there are multiple values, the values must be surrounded by parentheses and separated by commas. The binder options are:

The AC option sets the authorization code value for the program. The AC option requires a value, which must be a decimal number from 0 to 255. The default value is AC(0).
The ALIGN2 option instructs the linkage editor to align page-aligned control sections on 2K boundaries instead of 4K boundaries. Either ALIGN2 or NOALIGN2 must be specified without a value. NOALIGN2 is the default.
The AMODE option sets the addressing mode for the program’s entry point. The AMODE option requires a value, which must be one of: 24, 31, ANY, 64 or MIN.
The CALL option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to perform autocalls for all unresolved external symbols. Either CALL or NOCALL must be specified without a value. NOCALL can be abbreviated NCAL. The default value is CALL.
The CASE option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to convert all external names to upper case. The CASE option requires a value, which must be either UPPER or MIXED. The default value is CASE(UPPER). The CASE option cannot be set in an options file.
The COMPAT option sets the format of the created load modules. The COMPAT option requires a value, which must be one of: MIN, LKED, PM1, PM2, CURRENT, LMF or TEXTONLY. MIN is the default and may be used to create load modules for the Tachyon Operating System. LKED will create load modules that can be transmitted to an MVS load library using Tachyon Re-Xmit. Unless the NOEDIT option is set, COMPAT(LKED) modules may not be larger than 16 Megabytes or contain more than 32767 external symbols. PM1 allows programs up to 1 Gigabyte to be created and imposes no limit on the number of external symbols, however modules saved with PM2 allows programs with RMODE=SPLIT. COMPAT(PM1) and COMPAT(PM2) cannot be transmitted using Tachyon Re-Xmit. CURRENT may be abbreviated as CURR and is equivalent to PM1. COMPAT(MIN) will actually cause the load module to be saved in LKED format if possible, otherwise the load module will be saved in PM1 format or PM2, depending on the RMODE.

LMF specifies that the load module should be written in PDS Load Module Format with 2-byte record length prefixes (FILEDATA=RECORD,RECFM=U). TEXTONLY specifies that only the program’s load image (text) should be saved in the output file. TEXTONLY does not save any relocation for other loader information in the file. The COMPAT option cannot be set in an options file.

The DC option instructs the linkage editor to create the load module in “downward compatible” format. Either DC or NODC must be specified without a value. NODC is the default.
The DCBS option is ignored by the Tachyon Linkage Editor. Either DCBS or NODCBS must be specified without a value. NODCBS is the default.
The DEBUG option is specific to the Tachyon Linkage Editor and is not accepted by the z/OS Binder. The DEBUG option instructs the linkage editor to include symbolic debugging information for the Tachyon Instruction Emulator’s debugger. Either DEBUG or NODEBUG must be specified without a value. For compatibility with the old Tachyon 390 Emulator’s binder program, the default for the DEBUG option depends on the AC option setting. The default is DEBUG unless AC(2) or AC(3) is set.
The FETCHOPT option is validated and then ignored by the Tachyon Linkage Editor. The FETCHOPT option value must be specified as [NO]PACK,[NO]PRIME. The combination PACK,NOPRIME is not valid. The default is FETCHOPT(NOPACK,NOPRIME).
The EDIT option indicates if the created load module should be marked as editable. This release of the Tachyon Linkage Editor cannot re-edit load modules. Saving a module with NOEDIT removes some restrictions on the contents of object modules such as long external names when a module is saved with COMPAT=LKED, COMPAT=PM1 or COMPAT=LMF. Either EDIT or NOEDIT must be specified without a value. EDIT is the default.
The EP option sets the entry point for the program. The EP option requires a value, which must be the name of an external symbol defined in one of the object files.
The HOBSET option causes V-type relocatable constants to be set with the addressing mode of the target entry point. Either HOBSET or NOHOBSET must be specified without a value. NOHOBSET is the default.
The LET option instructs the linkage editor to produce the executable program file even if it encounters errors. The LET option may be specified with a value, which must be 0, 4, 8 or 12. LET specified without a parameter is equivalent to specifying LET(8), whereas NOLET is equivalent to LET(0). The default value is LET(4).
The LINECT option sets the number of lines per page for the linkage editor listing. The LINECT option must be specified with an integer value, which must be 0 or a number between 24 and 200 inclusive. LINECT(0) will cause heading lines to be produced only at the start of new listing sections. The default is LINECT(60). The LINECT option cannot be set in an options file or SETOPT statement.
The LIST option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to print control statements and/or summary information. The LIST option may be specified with a value, which must be ALL, NOIMPORT, NOIMP, SUMMARY, STMT or OFF. LIST(SUMMARY) causes a summary of the linkage editor actions to be listed. LIST(STMT) causes the linkage editor to list any control statements that it reads. LIST(ALL) causes both the summary and statements to be listed. LIST(NOIMPORT) and LIST(NOIMP) are treated as LIST(ALL) by this release of the Tachyon Linkage Editor. LIST(OFF) prevents the summary and statements from being listed. LIST specified without a parameter is equivalent to LIST(SUMMARY) and NOLIST is equivalent to LIST(OFF). The default is LIST(ALL). The LIST option is ignored if set by a SETOPT statement.
The LISTPRIV option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to generate level-8 error messages for any unnamed (private) control sections. In addition, if the MAP option is set, a report listing the unnamed control sections will be printed. Either LISTPRIV or NOLISTPRIV must be specified without a value. The default value is NOLISTPRIV.
The MAP option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to print a module map. Either MAP or NOMAP must be specified without a value. The default value is NOMAP.
The MAXBLK option sets the maximum size of logical records written to the load module file. The MAXBLK option requires a value, which must be a decimal number from 256 to 32760. If the SIZE option is not set, the default MAXBLK value is 32760. The MAXBLK option is ignored if set by a SETOPT statement.
The MSGLEVEL option sets the minium severity level of messages to be printed. The MSGLEVEL option may be specified with a value, which must be 0, 4, 8 or 12. The MSGLEVEL option cannot be set in an options file.
The OPTIONS option instructs the linkage editor to read a file containing more linkage editor option values. Options files must consist of ASCII text lines of no more than 80 characters each. Blank lines are ignored. Each non-blank line may contain one or more options, each separated by a comma. The LINECT option cannot be specified in an options file or SETOPT statement.
The PRINT option instructs the linkage editor to generate a listing. Either PRINT or NOPRINT must be specified without a value. The default is PRINT unless the Tachyon Linkage Editor is invoked via the command line interface and the -sysprint command line parameter is not set. The PRINT option cannot be set in an options file or SETOPT statement.
The OL option instructs the linkage editor to mark the load module as “Only Load”, preventing it from being loaded via the ATTACH(X), LINK(X) or XCTL(X) services. The option must be specified as OL, NOOL or OL(NO). The default is NOOL.
The REUS option sets the reusability attribute of the load module. The REUS option requires a value, which must be NONE, SERIAL, RENT or REFR. REUS(NONE) may also be specified as NOREUS, NORENT or NOREFR. REUS(SERIAL) may also be specified simply as REUS, REUS(RENT) may also be specified simply as RENT, and REUS(REFR) may also be specified simply as REFR. The default value is REUSE(NONE).
The RMODE option sets the residency mode for the load module. The RMODE option requires a value, which must be one of: 24, ANY or SPLIT. RMODE(SPLIT) requires COMPAT=CURR. RMODE(ANY) any also be specified as RMODE(31).
The SCTR option instructs the linkage editor to generate scatter-load tables in the created load module. Either SCTR or NOSCTR must be specified without a value. NOSCTR is the default.
The SIZE option has two parameters. For the z/OS Binder, the first parameter limits the working storage and the second limits the buffer storage. The Tachyon Linkage Editor will validate the SIZE option parameters and will set the maximum output block size to one-half of the second parameter value unless the MAXBLK option is set. The SIZE option cannot be set in an options file or SETOPT statement.
The SSI option sets the system status index for the load module. The SSI option requires a value, which must be an 8-digit hexadecimal number.
The STORENX option instructs the Tachyon Linkage Editor to save or replace a load module even if errors cause the load module to be not executable. The STORENX option requires a value, which must be NOREPLACE, NEVER or YES. STORENX(NEVER) instructs the linkage editor to never save a load module that is not executable. STORENX(NOREPLACE) instructs the linkage editor to not replace an existing load module with one that is not executable. STORENX(YES) instructs the linkage editor to save a load module that is not executable. STORENX(NOREPLACE) may also be specified as STORENX(NO) or NOSTORENX. STORENX(YES) may also be specified as STORENX. The default value is STORENX(NOREPLACE).
The TERM option instructs the linkage editor to write messages to the messages file. Either TERM or NOTERM must be specified without a value. The default is TERM if the Tachyon Linkage Editor is invoked via the command line interface and the -systerm command line parameter is set. The TERM option cannot be set in an options file or SETOPT statement.
The TEST option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to include SYM records in the created load module file. Either TEST or NOTEST must be specified wthout a value. The default value is NOTEST.
Note: The TEST option has a different effect on the Tachyon Linkage Editor than it did on the old Tachyon 390 Emulator’s binder program. The Tachyon Linkage Editor uses the DEBUG option to control the generation of symbolic debugging information used by the Tachyon Instruction Emulator’s debugger.
The TRACE option is ignored by the Tachyon Linkage Editor. Either TRACE or NOTRACE must be specified without a value. NOTRACE is the default.
The UPCASE option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to preform final autocall processing for renameable mixed case unresolved external symbol names. Either UPCASE or NOUPCASE must be specified without a value. NOUPCASE is the deafult.
The WKSPACE option is validated and then ignored by the Tachyon Linkage Editor. The WKSPACE option has two parameters, specifying the amount of storage to be used by the z/OS Binder below and above the 16 Megabyte line. The WKSPACE option cannot be set in an options file.
The XREF option instructs the linkage editor whether or not to print a symbol cross reference. Either XREF or NOXREF must be specified without a value. The default value is NOXREF.


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© Copyright 1999-2006, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on August 20, 2006