Tachyon Re-Xmit - Unloading a TRANSMIT File

After creating a TRANSMIT file using Tachyon Re-Xmit, it must be uploaded to a mainframe system. You can transfer the file using FTP, NFS, IND$FILE any other PC-to-mainframe file transfer method. The TRANSMIT file must be copied in binary mode.

Once the TRANSMIT file has been stored in a data set on the mainframe, you can unload it using the IBM TSO/E “RECEIVE’ command. Normally, RECEIVE will unload the transmitted data set using the data set characteristics included in the TRANSMIT file, however you can change some of the data set characteristics when you use the RECEIVE command. If the data set does not exist, RECEIVE will create it for you using your TSO defaults or information that you supply to the RECEIVE command.

The information that follows describes the RECEIVE command options needed to unload a TRANSMIT data set created by Tachyon Re-Xmit. The syntax for the RECEIVE command is fully described in the TSO/E Command Reference and further information is available in the TSO/E User’s Guide - Sending and Recieving Data Sets.

RECEIVE Command Syntax

The required RECEIVE command syntax is:

The TSO/E command name is RECEIVE.
The INDATASET parameter names the data set into which the TRANSFER file was uploaded. The DCB attributes should be RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3120, although other block sizes are allowed. The normal TSO/E rules for specifying data set names apply to this parameter.
If a message file was included in the TRANSMIT data set, the RECEIVE command will normally display it before unloading the output data set. The NODISPLAY option will prevent the RECEIVE command from displaying the message.



TSO/E will normally display a message containing the name of the data set contained in the TRANSMIT file and then a message like:

Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END'
You can respond to this message by pressing the Enter key to allow the RECEIVE command to unload the data set using the defaults. You can also respond to this message by entering parameters to override the data set name and space allocation. The syntax for the override parameters is fully described in the TSO/E Command Reference.

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Last modified on January 2, 2006