About the Tachyon Update Utility

You can use the Tachyon Update Utility to create or update 80-column record ASCII or EBCDIC files. The actions performed by the Tachyon Update Utility are determined by control statements, which must be prepared before running the utility. The Tachyon Update Utility supports the most commonly used actions and control statements of IBM’s DFSMSdfp IEBUPDTE utility program.

If you have IEBUPDTE control statements and the corresponding source data files on your workstation computer, the Tachyon Update Utility allows you to perform the actions specified by those control statements on your workstation without the need to upload the files to a mainframe and run IEBUPDTE.

The Tachyon Update Utility can be run using the command line interface from a command line window. If you have JCL to run IEBUPDTE, you can even run the JCL on your workstation.

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© Copyright 1999-2001, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on March 15, 2001