Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler and Tachyon z/Assembler 2.2 Announcement
February 3, 2002:
Tachyon Software is pleased to announce the availability of version 2.2 of the
Tachyon z/Assembler and Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler.
The Tachyon z/Assembler can now assemble the output of the
free, open-source GCC C-language compiler,
generating object files for
z/OS, OS/390 and Linux for S/390 and zSeries.
This C compiler interface is free and does not require the
purchase of a license from Tachyon Software.
With the availability of the open-source LIB390 C library,
C programs can now be built for OS/390 and z/OS using the highly optimizing
GCC compiler.
Other enhancements in version 2.2 of both the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler
and the Tachyon z/Assembler include:
- New DBCS, INFO and PESTOP options for compatibility with IBMs HLASM.
- New NOSYSLIN and NOSYSPUNCH options, allowing the object file format to be
specified via the OBJECT option while supressing the actual creation of the file.
- New LINEWIDTH(USS) option to specify that the listing file is to be created
in EBCDIC as an OS/390 Unix System Services format text file.
- The maximum external name length and ALIAS operand value has been increased
to 32767 characters for full support of the z/OS 1.3 Binder.
Details of the changes in this release are available in the
Changes section of the
Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler and Tachyon z/Assembler
Users Guide.