Changes in this Release
Version 3.1 of the
Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler
and Tachyon z/Assembler
adds support for IBM High Level Assembler release 6 and more, including:
New and Changed Options
- The default ADATALEVEL option value
is now 6, indicating that the ADATA records are to be produced in HLASM
release 6 format.
- The OPTABLE abbreviations for
ZS3 and 370 have been changed.
Previously they were S and 3 respectively. Now they are 3 and 7.
- WORKFILE is now a synonym for SIZE(0)
and NOWORKFILE is now a synonym for SIZE(MAX).
- The FLAG(ALIGN) option now causes a new
informational message TXA600I to be issued
instead of the warning message TXA500W
when the instruction does not require operand alignment.
- The new FLAG(ALIGNWARN) option
causes the assembler to issue message TXA500W as FLAG(ALIGN) did in prior releases.
- The FLAG(LINT) option
sets FLAG(ALIGNWARN) instead of FLAG(ALIGN).
- The tas option -march=z10-ec has been
changed to -march=z10 for compatibility
with the GNU assembler.
- Statistics for messages suppressed by the
SUPRWARN options are reported in the
ADATA type X'0090' record and the listing.
New Language Features
- :MAC and :ASM may be specified at the end of the operation name
to indicate that the macro or non-macro version of an operation is to be used.
- The OPTABLE operand of the ACONTROL statement is supported.
- QY and SY storage definitions are supported by the Tachyon z/Assembler.
They are not supported by the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler or the Tachyon Legacy Assembler.
QY storage definitions require the OBJECT(GOFF) option.
- ISDEC, ISBIN, ISHEX, ISSYM are SETA, not SETB functions for
compatibility with HLASM APAR PK27577.
- &SYSM_HSEV and &SYSM_SEV are 3-character symbols, not arithmetic symbols.
- If the FLAG(NOHLASM) option is in effect, the following
language extensions are supported:
- The maximum SETC symbol length is 50,000 characters.
- The maximum DS/DXD length is same as maximum EQU length.
Compatibility Notes:
- The abbreviations for the OPTABLE option have changed.
3 is now the abbreviation for ZS3 instead of 370.
7 is now the abbreviation for 370.
S is no longer valid as the abbreviation for ZS3.
- The FLAG(ALIGN) option now causes an
informational message to be issued instead of a warning message when the
instruction does not require operand alignment.
The prior FLAG(ALIGN) option behavior is available with the new FLAG(ALIGNWARN) option.
- The colon character has been added to the
Standard Character Set
and 3A=7A has been added to the unmodifyable translation table.
Frames No Frames Previous Next Contents
Introduction Setup Running Options Macros Translation Compatibility Messages
© Copyright 2008, Tachyon
Software® LLC.
Last modified on September 26, 2008