Tachyon Linkage Editor JCL Interface

Chapter 5 of this manual describes how to run jobs under the Tachyon Operating System using JCL. When the z/OS binder’s program name or any of its aliases are encountered as the PGM parameter on an EXEC JCL statement, the Tachyon Operating System will invoke the Tachyon Linkage Editor. The program and alias names that will cause the linkage editor to be invoked are: IEWBLINK, IEWL, LINKEDIT, HEWL, HEWLH096, HEWLKED, HEWLF064, IEWLF440, IEWLF880 and IEWLF128.

Before the Tachyon Operating System invokes the linkage editor, it first checks for certain JCL parameters and statements and converts these to their equivalent command line parameters. For instance, the EXEC PARM parameter value is passed to the linkage editor as the -parm command line parameter.

In addition to the EXEC PARM parameter, the following DD statements are processed:

The SYSLIN DD statement is required. Concatenated DD statements may follow the SYSLIN DD statement. Each SYSLIN data set must be an instream data set (DD * or DD DATA), a sequential data set or a simulated partitioned data set with a member name. The record format must be fixed (RECFM=F, FS, FB or FBS), the record length must be 80 (LRECL=80) and the FILEDATA must be TEXT or RECORD. Each data set is processed as if it was specified on the linkage editor command line in the same order it appears in the SYSLIN concatenation.
The SYSLIB DD statement is optional. Concatenated DD statements may follow the SYSLIB DD statement. Each SYSLIB data set must be a simulated partitioned data set. The record format must be fixed (RECFM=F, FS, FB or FBS), the record length must be 80 (LRECL=80) and the FILEDATA must be TEXT or RECORD. Each data set is processed as if it was specified as a -S linkage editor command line parameter with the path pattern obtained from the proper DSNMAP statement of the DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file.
The SYSPRINT DD statement is required. The SYSPRINT data set must be a dummy data set, a SYSOUT data set, a sequential data set or a simulated partitioned data set with a member name. The FILEDATA must be TEXT and ASA control characters will be produced. The data set is processed as if it was specified as the -sysprint linkage editor command line parameter.
The SYSLMOD DD statement is required. The SYSLMOD data set must be a simulated partitioned data set with an optional member name. The FILEDATA must be BINDER. The data set is processed as if it was specified as the -syslmod linkage editor command line parameter with the path pattern obtained from the proper DSNMAP statement of the DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. If a member name is specified in the DSN, it is processed as if it was specified as the -o linkage editor command line parameter.
The following JCL can be used to invoke the Tachyon Linkage Editor:
//SYSPRINT DD PATH='link.map'
//SYSLIN   DD PATH='myprog.obj'

Given these DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file statements:


the above JCL is equivalent to the following command line:

tle -sysprint link.lst "-SC:\Tachyon\csslib\&m.obj" -syslmod "&m.pgm" -o MYPROG -parm "REUS=RENT,AC=1" myprog.obj C:\Tachyon\csslib\yourprog.obj

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© Copyright 1998-2002, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on March 10, 2002