While a job is running, you can interact with the program by issuing operator console commands. These commands are issued through the debuggers console command. Since you must enter this command at the debugger prompt, you may need to hit control-C to get the prompt if the program is running. Operator console commands will not be processed once the program has completed. Like all debugger commands, the console command is disabled if the job step is selected to be run with -nodebug.
Operator console commands may be entered in mixed case. Command keywords and values are translated into upper case unless enclosed in quotes. One of the following operator console commands may be entered as parameters of the console command:
The DISPLAY R command may be used to display oustanding WTORs and retained action messages. The Tachyon Operating System displays message TEE112I after it accepts the DISPLAY R command.
tie0> console d r TEE112I OUTSTANDING REPLIES AND RETAINED MESSAGES 01 Reply Y or N to this WTOR. *This is an action message.
The DISPLAY SYMBLS command may be used to display the values of the static system symbols. The Tachyon Operating System displays message TEA007I after it accepts the DISPLAY SYMBOLS command.
The MODIFY command may be used to send a message to a program. If the program has indicated that it wants to accept MODIFY commands via the QEDIT service, messages sent via the MODIFY are added to a queue. The head of the queue of MODIFY and STOP messages and the ECB which is posted when there are messages on the queue may be accessed via the EXTRACT COMM service.
{MODIFY | F} <job-name>,[']<message>[']
tie0> console f myjob,hello there
The REPLY command may be used to reply to an outstanding WTOR. The reply ID is a one or two digit decimal number which is displayed by the WTOR service and in the TEE112I message display by the DISPLAY R command.
[REPLY | R] <reply-id>,[']<response>[']
tie0> console r 01,y
The STOPcommand may be used to tell a program to stop running. The head of the queue of MODIFY and STOP messages and the ECB which is posted when there are messages on the queue may be accessed via the EXTRACT COMM service.
{STOP | P} <job-name>
tie0> console p myjob