Running Jobs

The Tachyon 390 Operating System’s job execution program is called j390. Each time j390 is executed, it runs one job. Like z/OS, Tachyon Operating System jobs are defined through Job Control Language (JCL). The JCL instructs the operating system which programs to run and which files the job uses. Tachyon Operating System JCL is a highly compatible subset of z/OS JCL and it is described in the Building JCL section. JCL not only instructs j390 how to execute the job but it is also used to construct various control blocks in the Tachyon Operating System Services environment.

You must specify the name of a file containing JCL on the j390 command line. To run a job, j390 will read the configuration files, parse the JCL and then execute each step by first allocating the step’s data sets, executing the program and then deallocating the data sets. Any errors in the configuration files or JCL will prevent j390 from attempting to run the job.

Command Line Parameters

In addition to the JCL file name, you can also specify a number of optional parameters on the j390 command line. The parameters are:

The -archlvl parameter specifies the emulated architecture level. The -archlvl parameter value must be a single digit from 0 to 2 as follows:

The architecture level is ESA/390, but with access register mode disabled. This is the fastest emulation mode since the ALET values in the access registers do not need to be validated each time storage is referenced.
The architecture level is ESA/390.
The architecture level is z/Architecture.

The System/390 facilities section has more information about the facilities included in each architecture level. The -archlvl parameter overrides the ARCHLVL parameter in the LOADxx.ini configuration file. If neither -archlvl nor ARCHLVL are specified, the default is 0.

The -clock parameter can be used to alter the Time Of Day (TOD) clock value of the Tachyon Operating System. This can be useful when testing date sensitive logic.

The value following the -clock parameter must be a date either in YYYY.DDD or in YYYY.MM.DD, where YYYY is the year, DDD is the day of the year, MM is the month and DD is the day of the month. For example, February 29, 2000 could be specified as either 2000.060 or as 2000.02.29. The date in the -clock parameter alters the UTC (GMT) date. The local date is calculated from your time zone. The time-of-day is not altered by the -clock parameter. The year can be any value from 1980 through 2037.

The -clock parameter overrides the CLOCK parameter in the LOADxx.ini configuration file. If neither -clock nor CLOCK are specified, the date is not altered.

-debug and -nodebug
The -debug and -nodebug parameters specify the steps in the job which are or are not to be debugged via the Tachyon Instruction Emulator’s integrated debugger. The value following the -debug or -nodebug parameter is an asterisk (*), a step name or a step number. If an asterisk is specified, all steps will be selected for -debug or -nodebug. If the asterisk is not used, multiple -debug or -nodebug parameters may be specified. -debug * and -nodebug * can be specified as -debugall or -nodebugall respectively.

If a step is specified by -debug, the debugger prompt will be displayed before the first instruction is executed. If a step is specified by -nodebug, it is run with the debugger completely disabled. If a step is not specified with -nodebug or -nodebug, it is run with the debugger enabled, but the debugger prompt will not be displayed until you press control-C. Steps that are run with the debugger disabled will execute somewhat faster but all debugger commands, including the console command are disabled. The console command is required to reply to WTOR messages, so program that use the WTOR service should not be run with -nodebug.

The -load parameter specifies the suffix for the LOADxx.ini configuration file. The value following the -load parameter must be two characters which must each be either a digit (0-9) or an upper case letter (A-Z). The -load parameter overrides the LOAD parameter in the J390.ini configuration file. If neither -load nor LOAD are specified, the default value is LOAD=00, which will cause the Tachyon Operating System to read the LOAD00.ini configuration file.
The -parmlib parameter specifies the directory containing the LOADxx.ini configuration file and to which any additional directories specified in LOADxx.ini PARMLIB statements will be concatenated. The J390.ini file must always be in the same directory as the j390 program. All other configuration files except J390.ini and LOADxx.ini may be in the specified directory or in any of the concatenated directories. The value following the -parmlib parameter must be a directory path name. The parameter value may begin with &SYSDIR, which will be replaced with the name of the directory containing the j390 program. The -parmlib parameter overrides the PARMLIB parameter in the J390.ini configuration file. If neither -parmlib nor PARMLIB are specified, the default value is PARMLIB=&SYSDIR, which will cause the Tachyon Operating System to look for the LOADxx.ini configuration file in the directory containing the j390 program.
The -parms parameter can be used to override the parameters in the IEASYSxx.ini configuration files. The value following the -parms parameter must be a list of IEASYSxx.ini parameters. The syntax of the parameter value is exactly the same as that of a line in an IEASYSxx.ini file.
The -scan parameter instructs the j390 program to only scan the JCL file for syntax errors and not to execute it. It is similar to specifying TYPRUN=SCAN on the JOB statement, however -scan only reports errors back to stdout, whereas TYPRUN=SCAN causes the a listing to be generated in the spool directory.
The -sysp parameter specifies the suffixes for the IEASYSxx.ini configuration files. The value following the -sysp parameter must be either a single value or a list of values surrounded by parentheses and separated by commas. Each value must be two characters which must each be either a digit (0-9) or an upper case letter (A-Z). If more than one suffix is specified, each IEASYSxx.ini member will be read and processed.

The Tachyon Operating System always reads the IEASYS00.ini file. If the -sysp parameter is not specified, the Tachyon Operating System uses the values (if any) that were specified in the SYSPARM parameters in the LOADxx.ini and IEASYMxx.ini configuration files.

Example j390 Command Line

j390 -debug * myjob.jcl -clock 2000.001 -parms "BCP=HBB4410,TRACE=(10,10)"

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Last modified on May 9, 2002