Appendix D - ADATA Support

The format of the ADATA records produced by the IBM High Level Assembler is described in the IBM High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE Programmer's Guide (SC26-4941). This chapter describes the support provided by the Tachyon z/Assembler for the “Associated Data File” where there are differences from the support provided by the IBM assembler.

The associated data file is produced if the ADATA option is set. The associated data file name is controlled by the SYSADATA option. The ADATA option specifies the maximum record length and the format of the record length prefix that can be optionally added to each record.

ADATA records can also be generated in a GOFF object file by setting the OBJECT(GOFF,ADATA) option.

ADATA Record Support

Record TypeDescription
X'0000'Job Identification
X'0001'ADATA Identification
X'0002'Compilation Unit Start / End
X'000A'Output File information
X'000B'Options File information
X'0020'External Symbol Dictionary
X'0030'Source Analysis
X'0032'Source Error
X'0034'DC / DS
X'0035'DC / DS Extension
X'0036'Machine Instruction
X'0040'Relocation Dictionary
X'0042'Symbol Record
X'0044'Symbol and Literal Cross Reference
X'0045'Register Cross Reference
X'0060'Macro and Copy Code Source Summary
X'0062'Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference
X'0070'User Data
X'0080'USING Map
X'0090'Assembly Statistics

Job Identification Record - X'0000'

Field NameSupport
DateIf the PROCESS(BATCH) option is set, all assemblies will have the same date.
TimeIf the PROCESS(BATCH) option is set, all assemblies will have the same time.
Product NumberSet to C'X390ASM'
Product VersionSet to C'V.R.MM', where V.R.MM is the version, release and modification level of the Tachyon z/Assembler.
Product LevelSet to the ADATALEVEL value. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
PTF LevelAlways blank.
System IDSet to the value of &SYSTEM_ID.
Job NameSet to the value of &SYSJOB.
Step NameSet to the value of &SYSSTEP.
Procstep NameAlways blank.
Number of input filesSupported.
Offset of first input file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Input file numberSupported.
Input file name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Input file name lengthSupported.
Volume serial number offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Volume serial number lengthSupported.
Member name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Member name lengthSupported.
Input file nameSupported.
Volume serial numberSupported for MVS only.
Member nameSupported for MVS only.

ADATA Identification Record - X'0001'

Field NameSupport
CCSIDAlways set to X'0025'.

Compilation Unit Start/End Record - X'0002'

Field NameSupport
Record countSupported.

Output File Information Record - X'000A'

Field NameSupport
Number of OBJECT output filesSupported.
Offset of first OBJECT file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of PUNCH output filesSupported.
Offset of first PUNCH file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of listing output filesSupported.
Offset of first listing file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of terminal output filesSupported.
Offset of first terminal file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of ADATA output filesSupported.
Offset of first ADATA file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Per file sections:
Offset of next same-type file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Sequence NumberSupported.
File name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
File name lengthSupported.
Volume serial offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Volume serial number lengthSuppored.
Member name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Member name lengthSupported.
File nameSupported.
Volume serial numberSupported for MVS only.
Member nameSupported for MVS only.

Options File Information Record - X'000B'

Field NameSupport
Number of option files Set to the number of option files read by the assembler.
Offset to file informationSupported.
Per file sections:
Offset of next option file sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Sequence NumberSupported.
File name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
File name lengthSupported.
Volume serial offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Volume serial number lengthSupported.
Member name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Member name lengthSupported.
File nameSupported.
Volume serial numberSupported for MVS only.
Member nameSupported for MVS only.

Options Record - X'0010'

Field NameSupport
Option byte 1, bit 0
1 if the ALIGN option is set.
Option byte 1, bit 1
1 if the PRINTCTL(ASA) option is set.
Option byte 1, bit 2
1 if the PROCESS(BATCH) option is set.
Option byte 1, bit 3
1 if the NOCOMPAT option is not set.
Option byte 1, bit 4
Always 0.
Option byte 1, bit 5
Always 0.
Option byte 1, bit 6
1 if the PROCESS(DBCS) option is set.
Option byte 1, bit 7
1 if the OBJECT(DECK) option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 0
1 if the DXREF option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 1
1 if the ESD option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 2
1 if the FOLD option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 3
1 if the ACONTROL(LIBMAC) option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 4
1 if the NOLIST option is not set.
Option byte 2, bit 5
1 if the ADATA option is set.
Option byte 2, bit 6
1 if the NOMXREF option is not set.
Option byte 2, bit 7
1 if the OBJECT(OMF) or OBJECT(XOBJ) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 0
1 if the NOPCONTROL option is not set.
Option byte 3, bit 1
1 if the PCONTROL(ON) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 2
1 if the PCONTROL(DATA) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 3
1 if the PCONTROL(GEN) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 4
1 if the PCONTROL(UHEAD) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 5
1 if the PCONTROL(MSOURCE) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 6
1 if the PCONTROL(MCALL) option is set.
Option byte 3, bit 7
1 if the COMPAT(MACROCASE) option is set.
Option byte 4, bit 0
1 if the FLAG(RENT) option is set.
Option byte 4, bit 1
1 if the RLD option is set.
Option byte 4, bit 2
1 if the NOTERM option is not set.
Option byte 4, bit 3
1 if the NOTEST option is not set.
Option byte 4, bit 4
1 if the NOXREF option is not set.
Option byte 4, bit 5
1 if the XREF(FULL) option is set.
Option byte 4, bit 7
1 if the XREF(SHORT) or XREF(UNREFS) option is set.
Option byte 5, bit 0
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 1
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 2
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 3
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 4
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 5
Always 0.
Option byte 5, bit 6
Always 0.
Option byte 6, bit 0
Option byte 6, bit 1
1 if the USINGLIMIT option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 2
1 if the USINGMAP option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 3
1 if the FLAG(ALIGN) option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 4
1 if the FLAG(CONT) option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 5
1 if the FLAG(RECORD) option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 6
1 if the OBJECT(GOFF) option is set.
Option byte 6, bit 7
1 if the OBJECT(GOFF,ADATA) option is set.
Option byte 7, bit 0
1 if the PROCESS(PESTOP) option is set.
Option byte 7, bit 1
1 if the FLAG(NORA2) option is set.
Option byte 7, bit 2
1 if the FLAG(SUBSTR) option is set.
Option byte 7, bit 3
1 if the TRANSLATE option is set.
Option byte 7, bits 4-5
00 if NOLIST is set, 01 if LIST(121) is set,
10 if LIST(133) is set, or 11 if LIST(MAX) is set.
Option byte 7, bits 6-7
00 if NOMXREF is set, 01 if MXREF(FULL) is set,
10 if MXREF(SOURCE) is set, or 11 if MXREF(XREF) is set.
Option byte 8, bit 0
1 if the PROFILE option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 1
1 if the PCONTROL(OFF) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 2
1 if the PCONTROL(NODATA) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 3
1 if the PCONTROL(NOGEN) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 4
1 if the PCONTROL(NOUHEAD) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 5
1 if the PCONTROL(NOMSOURCE) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 6
1 if the PCONTROL(NOMCALL) option is set.
Option byte 8, bit 7
1 if the XREF(UNREFS) option is set.
USING(WARN(nn)) valueThe sum of 1 if FLAG(USINGDUP) is set, 2 if FLAG(USINGZERO) is set, 4 if FLAG(USINGMULT) is set, and 8 if USINGLIMIT is set.
FLAG(nnn) valueSet to the FLAG(nnn) value.
Option byte 9, bit 0
1 if the RXREF(GR) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 1
1 if the FLAG(IMPLEN) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 2
1 if the FLAG(PAGE0) or FLAG(REFPAGE0) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 3
1 if the INFO option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 4
1 if the COMPAT(LITTYPE) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 5
1 if the FLAG(PUSH) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 6
1 if the FLAG(USING0) option is set.
Option byte 9, bit 7
1 if the PROCESS(THREAD) option is set.
TRANSLATE(xx) valueSet to the TRANSLATE(xx) value.
PROFILE(xxxxxxxx) valueSet to the PROFILE(xxxxxxxx) value.
USING(LIMIT(nnnn)) valueSet to the USINGLIMIT(nnnn) value.
LANGUAGE(xx) valueSet to the LANGUAGE(xx) value.
OPTABLE(xxx) valueSet to the OPTABLE(xxx) value.
LINECOUNT(nnnn) valueSet to the LINECOUNT(nnnn) value.
INEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
LIBEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
OBJEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
PRTEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
ADEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
TRMEXIT program lengthAlways 0.
INEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
LIBEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
OBJEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
PRTEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
ADEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
TRMEXIT string lengthAlways 0.
SYSPARM lengthSet to the length of the SYSPARM option value.
PARM lengthSet to the length of the last specified PARM option value.
CODEPAGEIf the CODEPAGE option is set, the value is the EBCDIC code page number in hexadecimal. If the CODEPAGE option is disabled, the value is blank.
INEXIT programNot supported.
LIBEXIT programNot supported.
OBJEXIT programNot supported.
PRTEXIT programNot supported.
ADEXIT programNot supported.
TRMEXIT programNot supported.
INEXIT stringNot supported.
LIBEXIT stringNot supported.
OBJEXIT stringNot supported.
PRTEXIT stringNot supported.
ADEXIT stringNot supported.
TRMEXIT stringNot supported.
SYSPARM stringSet to the SYSPARM option value.
PARM stringSet to the last specified PARM option value.

External Symbol Dictionary Record - X'0020'

Field NameSupport
Section typeSupported.
Section addressSupported.
Section lengthSupported.
Owner IDSupported.
External name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
External name lengthSupported.
Alias name offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Alias name lengthSupported.
External nameSupported.
Alias nameSupported. If the OBJECT(ELF) option is set, this field will be in ASCII.

Source Analysis Record - X'0030'

Field NameSupport
Statement NumberSupported.
Input record numberSupported.
Parent record numberSupported.
Input file numberSupported.
Parent file numberSupported.
Location counterSupported.
Input record originSupported.
Parent record originSupported.
Print flagsSupported.
Source typeSupported.
Assembler operation codeSupported.
Address 1Supported.
Address 2Supported.
Offset of name entrySupported.
Length of name entrySupported, this field is zero if there is a sequence symbol in the name field.
Offset of operation entrySupported.
Length of operation entrySupported.
Offset of operand entrySupported.
Length of operand entrySupported.
Offset of remarks entrySupported.
Length of remarks entrySupported.
Offset of continuation
indicator field
Offset of input macro or copy member nameSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Length of input macro or copy member nameSupported.
Offset of parent macro or copy member nameSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Length of parent macro or copy member nameSupported.
Offset of source recordSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Length of source recordSupported.
Input member nameSupported.
Parent member nameSupported.
Source recordSupported.

Source Error Record - X'0032'

Field NameSupport
Statement NumberSupported.
Error identifierSet to the Tachyon z/Assembler message identifier
Error severitySupported.
Error message offsetSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Error message lengthSupported.
Error messageSupported.

DC / DS Record - X'0034'

Field NameSupport
Number of operandsSupported.
Type flagsSupported.
Statement NumberSupported.
Location counterSupported.
Duplication factorSupported.
Bit offsetSupported.
Type attributeSupported.
Number of valuesSupported.
Type extensionSupported.
Byte lengthSupported.
Bit lengthSupported.

DC / DS Extension Record - X'0035'

Field NameSupport
Location counterSupported.
Statement NumberSupported.
Length of object textSupported.
Object textSupported.

Machine Instruction Record - X'0036'

Field NameSupport
Location counterSupported.
Length of instructionSupported.
Value of instructionSupported.

Relocation Dictionary Record - X'0040'

Field NameSupport
POS. IDSupported.
REL. IDSupported.

Symbol Record - X'0042'

Field NameSupport
Statement numberSupported.
Symbol typeSupported, undefined (type 0) and duplicate (type 9) symbols are never produced and separate V-type constant (type 5) symbols are not produced if a symbol by the same name also exists.
Type attributeSupported.
Duplication factorSupported.
Length attributeSupported.
Integer attributeSupported.
Scale attributeSupported.
Location counterSupported.
Symbol flagsSupported.
Symbol name lengthSupported.
Symbol nameSupported.

Symbol Cross Reference Record - X'0044'

Field NameSupport
Symbol lengthSupported.
Statement definitionSupported.
Number of referencesSupported.
Relocatability typeSupported.
Symbol nameSupported.
Reference flagSupported.
Statement numberSupported.

Register Cross Reference Record - X'0045'

Field NameSupport
Register numberSupported.
Register typeSupported.
Total number of referencesSupported.
Number of references in this recordSupported.
Offset to referencesSupported.
Statement numberSupported.
Reference flagSupported.

Library Record - X'0060'

Field NameSupport
Number of macros / copy code membersSupported.
Data set name lengthSupported.
Data set volume lengthSupported.
Concatination numberSupported.
DDNAME lengthSupported.
Data set nameSupported.
Data set volumeSupported for MVS only.
Macro name lengthSupported.
Macro nameSupported.

Library Member and Macro Cross Reference Record - X'0062'

Field NameSupport
Concatination numberSupported.
Statement definitionSupported.
Concatination typeSupported.
Statement definition flagSupported.
Member or macro nameSupported.
Parent macro nameSupported.
Number of referencesSupported.
Number of references in this recordSupported.
Reference statement numberSupported.
Reference flagSupported.

User Supplied Information Record - X'0070'

Field NameSupport
User field 1Supported.
User field 2Supported.
User field 3Supported.
User field 4Supported.
User data lengthSupported.
User dataSupported.

USING Map Record - X'0080'

Field NameSupport
Record typeSupported.
USING flagSupported.
Location ESDIDSupported.
Statement numberSupported.
Location counterSupported.
USING valueSupported.
Last statementSupported.
USING rangeSupported.
Label lengthSupported.

Statistics Record - X'0090'

Field NameSupport
Buffer pool allocationAlways 0.
Required in storageAlways 0.
Primary input recordsSupported.
Library records readSupported.
Work file readsSupported.
Print records writtenSupported.
Object records writtenSupported.
Work file writesSupported.
ADATA records writtenSupported.
ADATA callsAlways 0.
ADATA added recordsAlways 0.
ADATA deleted recordsAlways 0.
ADATA diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Library callsAlways 0.
Library added recordsAlways 0.
Library deleted recordsAlways 0.
Library diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Listing callsAlways 0.
Listing added recordsAlways 0.
Listing deleted recordsAlways 0.
Listing diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Object callsAlways 0.
Object added recordsAlways 0.
Object deleted recordsAlways 0.
Object diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Source callsAlways 0.
Source added recordsAlways 0.
Source deleted recordsAlways 0.
Source diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Punch callsAlways 0.
Punch added recordsAlways 0.
Punch deleted recordsAlways 0.
Punch diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Term callsAlways 0.
Term added recordsAlways 0.
Term deleted recordsAlways 0.
Term diagnostic messagesAlways 0.
Assembly start timeSupported.
Assembly stop timeSupported.
Processor timeAlways 0.
Option file records readSupported.
Number of external functions loadedSupported.
Offset of first external function sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of messages suppressedSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Offset to first suppressed message sectionSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
SETAF function callsSupported.
SETCF function callsSupported.
External function messagesSupported.
External function message severitySupported.
External function name lengthSupported.
External function nameSupported.
Suppressed message numberSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).
Number of times messages was suppressedSupported. No field for ADATALEVEL(4).

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© Copyright 1999-2008, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on September 15, 2008