Chapter 8 - Messages

In the message descriptions below, the variable parts of the message text are marked within < and > bracket pairs. Many of the messages contain the variable text marked as <field> which indicates which field of a statement contains the error. This may be the label, operation or operand fields or may be a specific operand.

Appended to the message number is a severity code. The code corresponds to the assembler return code which will be produced. The codes are:
CodeSeverity LevelReturn Code
WWarning0 or 4
EError8 or 12

Warnings will set return code 0 if PROCESS(WARN0) is set, otherwise they will set return code 4. A severe error will cause the assembler to terminate immediately.

Assembler Messages


TLC000S <product name> {demonstration license | license for <licensee>} has expired!

The license for this product has expired.

TLC001W <product name> {demonstration license | license for <licensee>} expires in <number> days.

The license for this product expires soon.

TLC002I <product name> is licensed to <licensee>.

This message is displayed for your information.

TLC003S The computer clock is not set correctly!

The computer clock is not set to a reasonable value.

TLC004S <product name> license information is invalid!

The license information for this product is corrupted.

TLC005I Please contact <vendor>

Please contact the product vendor for help with your license.

TLC006S <product name> license information was not found in <path name>

The license information was not found or is corrupted.

TLC007S Could not access file <path name>

The required Tachyon License Control file was not found or is corrupted.

TLC008S Could not allocate <number> bytes of memory!

Virtual memory on your workstation is full.

TLC009S Computer "<computer name>" is not licensed for <product name>!

The license information indicates that the product is not licensed for this computer.

TLC010I <product name> - version <version> <copyright notice>

This message is displayed for your information.

TLC011I [Demonstration] License expires on <date> at <time>

This message is displayed for your information.

TLC012W Limited demonstration license functions are available.

The product is running under a demonstration license. Not all product functions are available.

TXA000I Return code <rc>, elapsed time <time> seconds [, processor time <time> seconds].

Upon normal termination of the assembler, the return code and elapsed time are printed unless the MSGLEVEL(,0) option is specified. The processor time used is also printed for some operating systems. The return code is the highest severity level of the error messages and MNOTEs produced by all assemblies.

TXA001S <source> contains an invalid character (<value>).

The command line parameter or environment variable contains an invalid character.

TXA002S Option <option value> in <source> <error message>

The specified option is in error. Please refer to the assembler option descriptions.

TXA003S Missing <ascii>=<ebcdic> option.

One of the characters in the assembler character set is incorrectly specified or missing from the ASCII translation options.

TXA004S Missing <ascii>=xx option.

An ASCII character in one of the options or environment variables is not included in the ASCII translation options.

TXA005S File name <file name> is too long.

The file name is too long.

TXA006S Error reading <file>: <reason>

The assembler encountered an error while reading the file.

TXA007S Cannot access source file <file name>: <reason>

The assembler encountered an error while opening the file.

TXA008S Error creating temporary file <file name>: <reason>

The assembler encountered an error while attempting to create a temporary file to contain the contents of stdin.

TXA010S Missing source file name.

One or more of the INCLUDE, MAKEFILE, SYSADATA, SYSLIB, SYSLIN, SYSPRINT, SYSPUNCH, SYSTERM or TERM(EVENT) options as specified require a source file name.

TXA011S Environment variable <name> is not set.

The required environment variable is not set.

TXA012S <source> path "<path>" does not contain an *, &m or &M.

The specified path in the environment variable or option must contain an asterisk, &m or &M to indicate the position of the macro or copy member name. See the description of The Library Search Path.

TXA013S Recursive INCLUDE for option file <name>

The option file name was specified in the parameter string of an INCLUDE option, but that option file was already open.

TXA014S Multiple source file names (<option>).

Only one source file name may be specified on the x390 command line when the PROCESS(GAS) or TERM(EVENT) option is specified.

TXA015S DDNAME <ddname> is not allocated

A required MVS DDNAME is not allocated.

TXA016S Invalid concatenation for output DD <ddname>

An output DDNAME is allocated to concatenated data sets.

TXA017S EBCDIC character X'<character>' does not translate to ASCII [character X'<character>'] using using CodePage(<ebcdic>,<ascii>) option.

One of the characters in the assembler character set does not translate to ASCII correctly or at all using the specified EBCDIC and ASCII code pages.

TXA018S ASCII character X'<character>' does not translate to EBCDIC using using CodePage(<ebcdic>,<ascii>) option.

An ASCII character in one of the options or environment variables does not translate to EBCDIC using the specified EBCDIC and ASCII code pages.

TXA019S <number> is not a valid {ASCII|EBCDIC} code page number.

The number specified in the CODEPAGE option is not a supported code page or is for the wrong code page class.

TXA050I <title> Assembly complete, {no statements flagged | <count> statements flagged, <return code> was the highest severity code}.

If the MSGLEVEL(,2) option was specified, this message is displayed at the end of each assembly. The assembly title is from the name field of a TITLE statement within the assembly. The return code is the highest severity level of the error messages and MNOTEs produced by the assembly.

TXA097I Open failed for <file name>: <reason>

The ZIP file, TAR file or CMS MACLIB could not be opened. It will be ignored for the remainder of the assembly.

TXA098I Error accessing file <file name>: <reason>

The macro or copy file could not be accessed.

TXA099I Unrecognized {ASCII | UNICODE} character X'<character>' in column <column> translated to a blank.

The character, which was encountered in an ASCII or UNICODE source file, macro or copy member, was not specified in the ASCII translation options or in the translation table specified via the CODEPAGE option. The character was translated to a blank. This action may result in incorrect output if the character is contained within a character constant, literal, or self-defining term.

TXA100S Source file is empty.

The source files are all empty.

TXA101E End of file encountered in {continued statement | AREAD | REPRO }.

The last record in a source file or macro or copy member contains a non-blank character in the continuation field or follows a REPRO statement or there are no records remaining to be consumed by an AREAD statement.

TXA102E Non-blank characters found before begin-to-continue column.

Non-blank characters were found in a continuation record before the begin-to-continue column.

TXA103E The operation entry must be specified entirely on the first statement line.

The value in the operation field must start and end on the first record of a statement.

TXA104E EBCDIC character X'<char>' found in <field>.

An invalid character was encountered.

TXA105W LIBEXIT: system("<command>") {returned <value> | <system message>}.

The LIBEXIT command returned a non-zero value. See the descriptions of the LIBEXIT option and the LIBEXIT facility.

TXA106E Invalid sequence symbol in label field.

An invalid sequence symbol was encountered.

TXA107E Sequence symbol is previously defined.

The sequence symbol is defined more than once within a source file, open-code copy member, or macro. Only the first definition is accepted.

TXA108W Missing END statement generated.

No END statement was found before the end of the source file(s) was encountered.

TXA109E Statement could not be resolved.

The statement contains references to values that cannot be resolved until this statement is resolved.

TXA110E <name> has been previously defined.

The symbol or variable is already defined.

TXA111E Operand <number> is invalid.

The operand is invalid. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the operand.

TXA112E More than <n> operands specified.

Too many operands were specified. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference or Principles of Operation manual for a description of the operands.

TXA113E Required operand <n> omitted.

A required operand was not specified. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference or Principles of Operation manual for a description of the operands.

TXA114E <n> of <n> required operands were not specified.

One or more required operands were not specified. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference or Principles of Operation manual for a description of the operands.

TXA115E <field> is too long.

The value specified in the field is too long. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the operands.

TXA116E Unmatched <character> in <field>

The field contains unbalanced parentheses or quotes.

TXA117E Label field must be omitted.

The label field for this assembler instruction must not contain a symbol or variable. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the instruction.

TXA118E Label field must be specified.

The label field for this assembler instruction must not be omitted. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the instruction.

TXA119E Invalid label field.

The contents of the label field are invalid for this instruction. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the instruction.

TXA120E Invalid operation field.

The contents of the operation field do not contain the name of an assembler, machine or macro instruction.

TXA121E Conditional assembly statements may not be generated.

The ACTR, AEJECT, AGO, AGOB, AIF, AIFB, ANOP, AREAD ASPACE, COPY, GBLA, GBLB, GBLC, LCLA, LCLB, LCLC, MACRO, MEND, MEXIT, REPRO, SETA, SETAF, SETB, SETC and SETCF operation codes may not be generated by variable substitution.

TXA122E <name> is not defined as a keyword parameter in the macro prototype.

The named keyword parameter is not defined in the macro prototype.

TXA123E <name> keyword parameter is duplicated in the macro call.

The named keyword parameter is specified more than once in the macro call statement.

TXA128S More than <count> statements in this assembly.

Too many statements were generated out of this assembly. If the count is less than 999999, then your license for the assembler product is limited and must be upgraded if you need to assemble larger programs. No more than 999999 statements can be assembled if the LIST(121) option is specified. No more than 9999999 statements can be assembled if the NOLIST or LIST(133) options are specified.

TXA130E Definition of macro <name> failed.

An error occurred during the definition of the macro. See the associated error message for details.

TXA131E Macro call suppressed by MHELP &SYSNDX limit.

The third byte of the operand of the last MHELP instruction is non-zero. See the IBM Assembler Language Reference manual for a description of the MHELP instruction.

TXA132E End of file encountered in SYSLIB member before MACRO statement.

The library macro definition member does not contain a MACRO instruction.

TXA133E First non-comment statement in macro SYSLIB member must be MACRO.

The first non-comment instruction in the library macro definition member is not MACRO.

TXA134E End of file encountered in macro before prototype statement.

The macro prototype statement must follow the MACRO instruction.

TXA135E End of file encountered in macro before MEND statement.

The macro definition does not contain an MEND instruction.

TXA136E Invalid operation code field in macro prototype statement.

The value of the operation field in the macro prototype statement does not contain a name that is valid as a macro instruction name or is not the same as the library macro definition member name.

TXA137E Invalid label field in macro prototype statement.

The value in the label field of a macro prototype statement must be a variable name or be omitted.

TXA138E Invalid operand field in macro prototype statement.

The operand field of a macro prototype statement must contain positional or keyword symbolic parameters.

TXA139E This statement is not allowed in open code.

The AREAD, AEJECT, ASPACE, MEND, and MEXIT operation codes are only allowed within a macro definition.

TXA140E Recursive COPY is not allowed.

A COPY statement must not specify a member name that is already being copied.

TXA141E { Macro | Copy member } <name> was not found in SYSLIB.

The library macro definition or copy member was not found in the Library Search Path directories. The assembler assumes that any operation code not in the table specified by the OPTABLE option is a macro reference.

TXA142E Operation code <name> is not defined.

The operation code is not defined in the table specified by the OPTABLE option. The assembler produces this message instead of TXA141E when the :ASM tag is specified for the operation code or when macro processing is disabled.

TXA146E <name> is an invalid assembler type value.

The fifth EQU operand must be one of the following: AR, CR, CR32, CR64, FPR, GR, GR32 or GR64.

TXA147E Invalid offset value of <number> in operand 1.

The first CNOP operand must be an even number that is zero or greater and less than the second operand alignment value.

TXA148E Invalid alignment value of <number> in operand 2.

For CNOP, the second operand must be 4, 8 or 16; unless the FLAG(NOHLASM) option is specified, in which case the second operand value must be a power of 2 from 2 to 4096. For ORG, the second operand value must be a power of 2 from 8 to 4096 or from 1 to 4096 if the FLAG(NOHLASM) option is specified.

TXA149E ORG target address is outside of current section or LOCTR.

The ORG target address must be within the same control section, class, part or LOCTR as the current location counter.

TXA150S More than <limit> external symbols defined.

Too many external symbol names have been generated within this assembly. For OBJECT(GOFF) the limit is 999999 and for OBJECT(ELF) the limit is 9999999, otherwise the limit is 65535.

TXA151E An executable control section has already been started.

If the START instruction is used, it must precede the creation of all executable control sections.

TXA152E <type> <name> is the wrong external symbol type for <operation> statement.

A reference to an external symbol is incompatible with its definition. For a COM, CSECT, DSECT or RSECT statement, the name must not be previously defined or must be defined using the same statement - although a control section defined using START can be continued using CSECT. A LOCTR statement must refer to a previously undefined symbol, a previously defined LOCTR or a previous COM, CSECT, DSECT, RSECT, START or CATTR class without PART references. XATTR and ALIAS cannot refer to a DSECT or CATTR class.

For a CATTR statement without a PART reference, the name must not be previously defined or must have been previously defined using the CATTR statement without a PART reference. For a CATTR statement with a PART reference, the label must not have been previously defined or must have been previously defined as a class using the CATTR statement with a PART reference; and the PART name must not be previously defined or it must be the name or a previously defined part for the same class.

TXA153W <attribute> has already been set for { control section <name> | external symbol <name> | the unnamed control section }.

The AMODE, ALIAS, RMODE or XATTR value has already been specified for this external symbol. The previous attribute setting is not changed.

TXA154E AMODE <amode> conflicts with RMODE <rmode> for { control section <name> | external symbol <name> | the unnamed control section }.

AMODE 24 is not allowed with RMODE ANY, RMODE 31 and RMODE 64; and AMODE ANY, AMODE 31 and AMODE ANY31 are not allowed with RMODE 64.

TXA155E <name> is repeated.

The name was repeated in the same ENTRY, EXTRN, or WXTRN statement.

TXA156E <name> cannot be defined as an ENTRY.

The name must be a symbol defined within an executable control section or class and may not already be defined in an ENTRY statement.

TXA157E The unnamed control section is not defined.

The AMODE or RMODE statement contains an empty label field but the unnamed control section is not defined in this assembly.

TXA158E <operation> label <name> is not a defined { external symbol | control section[, [ DXD, ENTRY, ] PART, EXTRN or WXTRN ] }.

The label field of ALIAS and XATTR statements must refer to a defined external symbol that is not a DSECT or CATTR class. AMODE and RMODE must refer to a control section defined with COM, CSECT, RSECT or START. If the OBJECT(GOFF) option is specified, AMODE and RMODE can also refer to external references defined using EXTRN, WXTRN, or CATTR PART and AMODE can additionally refer to external symbols defined using ENTRY or DXD.

TXA159I START address rounded up to next multiple of <number>.

The START statement operand evaluated to a number that was not an exact multiple of the SECTALGN minimum value. The value has been rounded up to the next multiple.

TXA160E TITLE label field has already been specified.

Only one TITLE statement in each assembly may contain a non-empty label field.

TXA161E ICTL must be the first statement.

The ICTL statement is only allowed in the first statement of an assembly.

TXA162E <name> is not a defined operation code or macro name.

The label field of the OPSYN statement must contain a defined assembler, machine, or macro instruction name.

TXA163E {ACONTROL | PRINT | USING} stack is empty.

There is no matching PUSH statement for this POP ACONTROL, POP PRINT or POP USING statement.

TXA164W Missing POP {ACONTROL | PRINT | USING} for PUSH statement <number>.

The ACONTROL, PRINT or USING stack is not empty at the end of the assembly. Entries are added to these stacks by the PUSH statement and are removed by the POP statement. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(PUSH) option is in effect.

TXA165E <message>.

There is an error in the FLAG options of the ACONTROL statement.

TXA166E EXEC <name> command not supported.

The proper PROCESS option must be set for the assembler to process EXEC statements.

TXA167E <parameter> is not defined.

The DFHRESP or DFHVALUE parameter could not be translated.

TXA168I <option> is not supported by this assembler.

This ACONTROL statement option is not supported by the assembler.


The XATTR statement is accepted only if the OBJECT(GOFF) or OBJECT(ELF) option is specified.

TXA171E Location counter overflow [in <field>].

The location counter value exceeded the limit. For OBJECT(GOFF) and OBJECT(ELF), the limit is X'7FFFFFFF', otherwise it is X'00FFFFFF'.

TXA172E CATTR must be within a named executable control section.

The CATTR statement must be preceded by a CSECT, RSECT or START statement.

TXA173E <name> cannot be defined as a PSECT.

The symbol named in the PSECT operand of the XATTR statement must be a label within or of an executable control section, class or part. The label must not be an EQU symbol.

TXA174E <operation> is not valid with OBJECT(ELF).

The AMODE, CATTTR, CXD, DXD and START statements are not accepted if the OBJECT(ELF) option is specified. See Appendix E for more information.

TXA175W Alias truncated to <length> characters.

The ALIAS statement operand was too long and was truncated. See the OBJECT option for the maximum external name length.

TXA176W CATTR operand ignored.

The class was defined with a previous CATTR statement. For a class defined without a PART reference, any subsequent CATTR statements used to resume the class must not have any operands. For a class that was previously defined with a PART reference, subsequent CATTR statements must only have the PART, PRIORITY and ALIGN operands on the first definition of the part name and must have only the PART operand on subsequent CATTR statements that refer to a previously defined part.

TXA177E PART reference requires OBJECT(GOFF).

The PART operand of the EXTRN and WXTRN statements is only accepted if the OBJECT(GOFF) option is in effect.

TXA178E Wrong class name for part.

The CATTR statement contains a PART reference to a previously defined part that is associated with a different class than is specified in the label field.

TXA180E <error message>

A gas assembler statement could not be translated to HLASM syntax. This message can only be generated if the PROCESS(GAS) option is specified. See Appendix E for more information.

TXA190E External function '<name>' not found

The external function load module could not be loaded. External functions are only supported in the MVS version of the assembler.

TXA191S External function '<name>' failed, return code <number>

The external function returned with register 15 set to a non-zero value.

TXA192I <function name> - <message>

The external function returned with a message and a severity level of 0.

TXA193W <function name> - <message>

The external function returned with a message and a severity level of 4.

TXA194E <function name> - <message>

The external function returned with a message and a severity level of 8 or higher.

TXA200E EBCDIC character X'<character>' cannot be translated using table AS in <field>.

The TRANSLATE(AS) option is in effect or a CA character constant or self defining term was encountered and the character was not specified in the ASCII translation options.

TXA201E Unexpected <character> in <field>.

A syntax error was found in the field at the character.

TXA202E Self defining value is too long or too large in <field>.

The self-defining value is too long or is less than -231 or greater than 231-1.

TXA203E Incomplete expression in <field>.

The expression is incomplete.

TXA204E Unpaired ampersand in <field>.

All ampersands must be doubled unless the ampersand is the first character in a variable symbol name.

TXA205E Invalid storage type in <field>.

J and R constants are accepted only if the OBJECT(GOFF) option is specified. Q constants are not accepted if the OBJECT(ELF) option is specified. G constants are accepted only if the PROCESS(DBCS) option is specified.

TXA206E <modifier> is not valid in <field>.

The scale, exponent, or bit length modifiers are not allowed for the storage type.

TXA207E Nominal value is missing in <field>.

The nominal value is required for DC and literal storage definitions.

TXA208E Nominal value exponent is out of range in <field>.

The exponent modifier of the nominal value is too large or too small.

TXA209E <name> is not an active USING label in <field>.

The qualifier of a symbol is not defined as a USING label or has been dropped.

TXA210E EBCDIC character X'<character>' cannot be translated to UNICODE in <field>.

The character, which was encountered in a DC or literal CU, CB or CW constant, was not specified in the ASCII translation options or in the translation table specified via the CODEPAGE option.

TXA216E Rounding indicator is not valid in <field>.

The rounding indicator in a binary or hexadecimal floating point value was not one of: 1, 4, 5, 6 or 7.

TXA217E <type> modifier is not valid for floating point special values in <field>.

The exponent and scale modifiers are not valid for floating point constants containing the special values (DMIN), (MIN), (MAX), (INF), (NAN), (QNAN) and (SNAN).

TXA218E Invalid floating point special value (<value>) in <field>.

The special values (DMIN), (MIN), (MAX), (INF), (NAN), (QNAN) and (SNAN) are allowed in binary and decimal floating point constants. Only the (DMIN), (MIN) and (MAX) special values are allowed in hexadecimal floating point constants.

TXA219E Nominal value is too long in <field>.

The nominal value contains too many digits or characters.

TXA220E Invalid qualifier for <name> in <field>.

The qualifier is currently an active labeled USING for a different control section than the symbol.

TXA221E Complexly relocatable expression in <field>.

A complexly relocatable expression is not allowed for the value.

TXA222E Non-relocatable expression in <field>.

A relocatable expression is required for the value.

TXA223E Relocatable expression in <field>.

A non-relocatable expression is required for the value.

TXA224E Invalid location counter reference in <field>.

The location counter ( * ) may not be referenced in the value.

TXA225E Overflow occurred while evaluating expression in <field>.

The final value or an intermediate value of an expression was less than -231 or greater than 231-1.

TXA226E Modification of literal not allowed in <field>.

A literal may not be the target of an operation that modifies storage.

TXA227E Symbol <name> is not defined in <field>.

The referenced symbol is not defined.

TXA228E {Value | <type> attribute} of <name> is not defined in <field>.

The value or attribute of the symbol is not defined.

TXA229E Expression is not resolvable in <field>.

The expression references the value or an attribute of a symbol that cannot be determined.

TXA230E <type> modifier is out of range in <field>.

The value of the length, scale, or exponent modifier is too large or too small.

TXA231E Duplication factor is out of range in <field>.

The value of the duplication factor is too large or too small. For a DC, DS or DXD statement, the duplication factor must be from 0 to 16777215. For a literal, the duplication factor must be from 1 to 16777215.

TXA232W Requested alignment of <number> is greater than [maximum] section alignment of <number>.

The instruction has an implicit or explicit alignment requirement that is greater than the maximum section alignment. Unless the OBJECT(GOFF) option is in effect, the maximum section alignment is 8. For OBJECT(GOFF), the maximum section alignment is specified by the SECTALGN option. The alignment for classes and parts is set by the ALIGN operand of the CATTR statement and defaults to the minimum SECTALGN value. This message can be generated for the LTORG statement if there are any quadword-aligned (LQ or FQ) literals to be generated.

TXA240E Invalid type for <variable> in label field.

The type of the variable in the label field does not match the operation code. For instance, an arithmetic variable (defined via a LCLA statement) cannot be the target of a SETC instruction.

TXA241E Invalid character expression in <field>.

The character expression is missing after the duplication factor.

TXA242E <name> is an invalid [arithmetic|boolean|character] function in <field>.

Within an expression, the name is not recognized as the name of a function of the correct type.

TXA243E <name> is an invalid operator in <field>.

The name was not recognized as a valid operator: NOT, AND, OR, XOR, EQ, NE, GT, LT, GE or LE.

TXA244E <name> is an invalid sequence symbol in <field>.

The sequence symbol is too long.

TXA245E Sequence symbol <name> is undefined within <file|macro>.

The target of an AGO or AIF statement is not defined within the source file or macro.

TXA246E ACTR limit exceeded.

The AGO and AIF branch limit was exceeded. The default limit is 4096. The limit is halved each time an error is encountered in a conditional assembly statement.

TXA250E Invalid variable name in <field>.

The created set symbol name is invalid.

TXA251E Invalid subscript for <variable> in <field>.

The variable is not subscripted or the subscript is less than 1 (or less than zero for &SYSLIST or &SYSMAC).

TXA252E Character expression is too long in <field>.

A character expression exceeds 1024 characters if the FLAG(HLASM) option is in effect or 100000 characters if the FLAG(NOHLASM) option is in effect.

TXA253E Invalid duplication factor in <field>.

The duplication factor is less than zero.

TXA254E Invalid substring starting index in <field>.

The index is not greater than zero.

TXA255E Invalid substring length in <field>.

The length is less than zero or if the FLAG(SUBSTR) option is in effect, the substring length is greater than the string length less the substring starting index.

TXA256E Substring index beyond end of string in <field>.

The substring starting index is greater than the length of the string.

TXA257E <attr> attribute is invalid in a character expression in <field>.

Only T' and O' attributes are allowed in a character expression.

TXA258E <attr> attribute is invalid in an arithmetic expression in <field>.

Only D', I', K', K', N', and S' attributes are allowed in arithmetic and boolean expressions.

TXA259E <attr> attribute of variable is not defined in <field>.

Only K' and N' attributes are allowed for arithmetic and boolean variable symbols.

TXA260E Nonnumeric value in arithmetic expression in <field>.

A string value within an arithmetic or boolean expression is not numeric.

TXA261E Variable <name> is not defined in <field>.

The referenced variable is not defined.

TXA262E <name> function argument [<number>] is invalid.

The function parameter value is not valid for the function.

TXA300I *** MNOTE *** <mnote>

An MNOTE statement was generated.

TXA301I Record <number> in <file>

If the FLAG(RECORD) and LIST options are in effect, this message will be produced in the listing file for each statement flagged, identifying its source.

TXA302E <name> is too long to be defined as an external symbol.

The name is longer than eight characters and no ALIAS statement has been specified for the symbol.

TXA303E Object code cannot be generated using the OBJECT(DECK) option.

The OBJECT(DECK) option can only be used for the output of PUNCH and REPRO statements. The OBJECT(OMF), OBJECT(XOBJ), OBJECT(GOFF) or OBJECT(ELF) options must be specified if object code output is desired.

TXA304E EBCDIC character X'<character>' in column <column> cannot be translated to ASCII.

The OBJECT(DECK) option is in effect and the card image generated by a PUNCH or REPRO statement contains a character that was not specified in the ASCII translation options.

TXA307I Assembler type of symbol <name> is not set for <field description> field in operand <number>.

The first symbol referenced in the machine instruction register field is an EQU symbol without an assembler type attribute but other EQU symbols have been defined with the expected assembler type attribute. Checking for this condition is performed when the TYPECHECK(REGISTER) option is in effect.

TXA308I Assembler type <type> of symbol <name> may be incomatible with <field description> field in operand <number>.

The machine instruction non-register field is specified as an EQU symbol with an assembler type attribute indicating it is a register. Checking for this condition is performed when the TYPECHECK(REGISTER) option is in effect.

TXA309E Invalid relative address in operand <number>.

The target of a relative instruction is not within the limits of the instruction or is at an odd address. If the OBJECT(OMF) or OBJECT(XOBJ) option is in effect, the target must be associated with the same control section as the instruction. If the FLAG(HLASM) option is in effect, the target must not be outside of the associated control section.

TXA310E Index register is not allowed in S-constant.

S-type constants may not contain an index register value.

TXA311E Invalid base register in operand <number>.

The base register must be specified as an expression that evaluates to a number between 0 and 15.

TXA312E Invalid stride register in operand <number>.

The stride register must be specified as an expression that evaluates to a number between 0 and 15.

TXA313E Invalid index register in operand <number>.

The index register must be specified as an expression that evaluates to a number between 0 and 15.

TXA314E Invalid length field in operand <number>.

See the Principles of Operation manual for a description of the valid length field for the machine instruction.

TXA315E Operand <number> must be <type>.

The operand must be specified as an expression that evaluates to a valid value for the given immediate value or register type. See the Principles of Operation manual for a description of the valid operands for the machine instruction.

TXA316E Invalid displacement field in operand <number>.

The displacement value of the operand with an explicit base register is out of range for the instruction. See the Principles of Operation manual for a description of the valid displacement values for the instruction.

TXA317E Addressability error in operand <number>.

The address value is not within an active USING range.

TXA318E Implicit length is invalid in operand <number>.

The implicit length of the operand is zero or too large. See the Principles of Operation manual for a description of the valid length values for the instruction.

TXA319E Specification error in operand <number>.

The operand value is not valid for this instruction. See the Principles of Operation manual for a description of the valid operands.

TXA320E <name> is not a dummy section [or external symbol].

For OBJECT(GOFF), a Q-type constant can refer to any external symbol except a class name or control section name. Otherwise, a Q-type constant can refer only to a dummy section (DXD or DSECT).

TXA321E <name> cannot be defined as an external reference.

The symbol within a V-type or R-typeconstant must be a simply relocatable value within an executable control section.

TXA322E Data value is too large in operand <number>.

The address value in a CCW or CCW0 instruction is not between 0 and X'00FFFFFF' or a D, E, F, H, or L type value exceeds the largest value that can fit in the field.

TXA323E Floating point value is out of range in operand <number>.

The value of a D, E, or L type constant is too large or too small.

TXA324E Relocatable value not allowed in operand <number>

A relocatable address constant has a bit length modifier or has a length of one byte.

TXA325E Relocatable DSECT reference.

The address value in an A-type or Y-type constant or CCW, CCW0, or CCW1 instruction within an executable control section contains a relocatable reference to a value within a DSECT or DXD.

TXA326E <name> is not a dummy section, class or part name.

The symbol within a J-type constant is not defined as a dummy section (DSECT or DXD) or class or part name (CATTR).

TXA350E Invalid USING end range value.

The second value of the first USING statement operand did not evaluate to an address within the same control section as the first value or was not greater than the first value.

TXA351W <name> is not an active USING label.

The label to be dropped is not active.

TXA352W Register <number> is not active in an unlabeled USING.

The register value to be dropped is not active.

TXA353E Invalid USING domain.

The domain of a USING statement starts at an address greater than X'00FFFFFF'.

TXA400E Improper alignment in operand <number>.

The machine instruction operand value must be an address aligned on a halfword, fullword, doubleword or quadword boundary. See the Principles of Operation manual for the required alignment. Required alignment checking is performed unless the FLAG(NOALIGN) option is in effect.

TXA401E Reentrancy check failed in operand <number>.

The target of a machine instruction that modifies storage is within an RSECT or read-only CATTR.

TXA402E Length specification error in operand <number>.

The length of the first operand of an MP or DP instruction is not greater than the length of the second operand. Execution of this instruction will cause a specification exception unless the instruction is modified.

TXA450E ISEQ Sequence error in record <number> of statement.

The sequence field of the record is not greater than that of the previous record with a non-blank sequence field. Checking for this condition is performed when the ISEQ statement is active.

TXA500W Improper alignment in operand <number>.

For best performance, the machine instruction operand value should be an address aligned on a halfword, fullword, or doubleword boundary. This message is issued when the FLAG(ALIGNWARN) option is in effect.

TXA501W Reentrancy check failed in operand <number>.

The target of a machine instruction that modifies storage is within a CSECT and the FLAG(RENT) option is in effect.

TXA502W Branch reference to page zero in operand <number>.

The target of a branch instruction is within the first 4096 bytes of memory. Checking for this condition is performed for all branch instructions except NOP when the FLAG(BRPAGE0) option is in Checking for this condition is also performed for all branch instructions whose targets are not resolved via a USING statement when either the FLAG(PAGE0) or FLAG(REFPAGE0) option is in effect.

TXA503W Storage modification to page zero in operand <number>.

The target of a storage modification instruction is within the first 4096 bytes of memory. Checking for this condition is performed when either the FLAG(MODPAGE0) or FLAG(REFPAGE0) option is in effect. Checking for this condition is also performed for instructions whose targets are not resolved via a USING statement when the FLAG(PAGE0) option is in effect.

TXA504W Storage access from page zero in operand <number>.

The storage reference is within the first 4096 bytes of memory. Checking for this condition is performed for instructions whose targets are not resolved via a USING statement when either the FLAG(PAGE0) or FLAG(REFPAGE0) option is in effect.

TXA505W Access register will not be used in operand <number>.

The operand has an index register, but no base register. In AR mode, the access register will not be used. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(INDEX) option is in effect.

TXA506W Branch reference to literal in operand <number>.

The target of a branch instruction is a literal. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(HLASM) option is in effect.

TXA507W Execute reference to literal in operand <number>.

The target of an EX instruction is a literal. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(EXLITW) option is in effect.

TXA508W Assembler type <type> of symbol <name> is incomatible with <field description> field in operand <number>.

The first symbol referenced by the machine instruction register field is an EQU symbol with the wrong assembler type attribute. Checking for this condition is performed when the TYPECHECK(REGISTER) option is in effect.

TXA509W Relocatable value expected in operand <number>.

The target of a branch relative instruction is an absolute value. It is assembled as the number of halfwords of displacement from the branch instruction.

TXA510W Relocatable <size> byte address in operand <number>.

The address constant may not be relocatable. Checking for this condition for 2, 3 or 4 byte address constants is performed when the FLAG(RA2), FLAG(RA3), or FLAG(RA4) options are in effect. 5, 6 and 7 byte relocatable address constants are always flagged.

TXA511W Precision lost in operand <number>.

The generated value of a non-zero D, E, or L type constant was rounded to zero.

TXA512W Value truncated in operand <number>.

The value could not be contained within the length. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(TRUNC) option is in effect.

TXA513W Underflow to { denormalized value | zero } in operand <number>.

The floating point constant value was too small to be represented.

TXA514W Overflow to { (INF) | (MAX) } in operand <number>.

The floating point constant value was too large to be represented.

TXA520W Continue column is blank.

The operand field on a continued record of a macro call statement ends with a comma but the continue column on the next record contains a blank. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(CONT) option is in effect.

TXA521W Continuation column is blank.

The operand field of a macro call statement contains at least one operand and ends in a comma but the continuation column is blank. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(CONT) option is in effect.

TXA522W Comma may be missing on continued record.

The operand field on a continued record of a macro call statement ends with a blank but the continue column on the next record does not contain a blank. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(CONT) option is in effect.

TXA523W Continue column is blank.

The continued record of a macro call statement is full but the continue column on the next record contains a blank. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(CONT) option is in effect.

TXA530W USING overridden by prior USING at statement <number>.

The USING statement duplicates a prior USING with a higher base register. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(USINGDUP) option is in effect.

TXA531W Prior USING at statement <number> overridden by this USING.

The USING statement duplicates a prior USING with a lower base register. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(USINGDUP) option is in effect.

TXA532W USING base address set to zero.

A USING statement containing a base register of zero is assumed to start at address zero. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(USINGZERO) option is in effect.

TXA533W USING range overlaps prior USING at statement <number>.

The range of the USING statement overlaps that of a prior USING, resulting in multiple possible address resolutions. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(USINGMULT) option is in effect.

TXA534W Displacement exceeds USING LIMIT in operand <number>.

The computed displacement is greater than the limit for this USING. Checking for this condition is performed when the USINGLIMIT option is in effect.

TXA535W USING range overlaps implicit USING 0,0.

The range of the USING statement overlaps the low 4096 bytes of storage. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(USING0) option is in effect.

TXA540W Implicit length of { * | literal | <symbol> } used in operand <number>.

The length was omitted from this SS-type instruction. The assembler used the length of the first symbol in the operand as the length of the operation. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(IMPLEN) option is in effect.

TXA541W Length attribute of EQU symbol <name> defaults to 1 in operand <number>.

The length attribute of an EQU symbol was referenced but the length was not specified when the symbol was defined. Checking for this condition is performed when the FLAG(HLASM) option is in effect.

TXA542W Reference outside of literal in operand <number>.

A machine instruction references storage before the start or after the end of a literal operand.

TXA550W Blank sequence field in record <number> of statement.

The sequence field of the record is blank. Checking for this condition is performed when the ISEQ statement is active.

TXA600I Improper alignment in operand <number>.

For best performance, the machine instruction operand value should be an address aligned on a halfword, fullword, or doubleword boundary. This message is issued when the FLAG(ALIGN) option is in effect.

TXA900S Error <action> <type> file <file name>: <reason>

An error occured while accessing the file.

TXA997S <error message>

An internal error occurred in the assembler. Please contact Tachyon Software.

TXA998S Heap memory exhausted in phase <phase>!

The assembler attempted to allocate more heap storage than is available in the system. If the work files are stored in memory, it may help to store them on disk instead by setting the SIZE option.

TXA999S Assembly terminated with return code 20.

Due to a severe error, the assembler cannot continue. See the associated error message.

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Last modified on September 15, 2008