JOB Statement

Every JCL file must contain a valid JOB statement. The JOB statement must precede all EXEC and DD statements in the file. The j390 program accepts most of the JOB statement parameters supported by z/OS. These include the job name, the accounting parameter and the programmer name positional parameters and the ADDRSPC, BYTES, CARDS, CCSID, CLASS, COND, GROUP, LINES, MEMLIMIT, MSGCLASS, MSGLEVEL, NOTIFY, PAGES, PERFORM, PRTY, RD, REGION, SECLABEL, TIME, TYPRUN and USER key word parameters. The JESLOG, PASSWORD, RESTART and SCHNV key word parameters are not supported. Most of the JOB statement parameters are only checked for syntax and have no meaning to the Tachyon Operating System. The following JOB statement parameters are significant:

Job Name
The job name is required. It is used to generate spool and temporary data set names and it is stored in various control blocks.
The COND parameter specifies the job step completion codes which cause a job to be terminated.
The MSGLEVEL parameter determines whether or not the JCL listing and system messages files should be written to the spool directory.
If TYPRUN=SCAN is specified, the JCL is not executed, but is only checked for syntax errors. It is similar to the j390 -scan command line parameter except that TYPRUN=SCAN will cause the JCL listing and any errors to be written to a file in the spool directory. All other values of the TYPRUN parameter have no effect.
The USER parameter value is stored in various control blocks. If not specified, the first alphabetic character of the current user ID followed by up to the next seven alphanumeric characters of the current user ID are used as the Tachyon Operating System user ID for the job, with any lower case letters converted to upper case. If the current user ID cannot be determined or if no alphabetic characters are in the current user ID, the value "USER" is assigned.

Example JOB statement


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Last modified on May 9, 2002