Appendix A - License Control

You should review your license agreement for the specific terms of your license for the Tachyon Assembler Workbench product. Normally, licenses for the product are granted for a fixed period of time. The period may be extended under the terms of your license agreement. This appendix describes how Tachyon Assembler Workbench product licenses are controlled and how to modify the file that controls the license period.

License Control File

The tachyon.ini file shipped with your product includes sections for each product and each section contains statements that control the license and expiration date. If you downloaded a demonstration copy of the Tachyon Assembler Workbench, then the product sections in the tachyon.ini file will contain only the KEY statements.

The LICENSEE statement specifies the name of the licensee. This name was provided to Tachyon Software when the license was granted. If you need to have the licensee name changed, you will need to have Tachyon Software supply new values for all of the license control statements.
Example:  LICENSEE=Tachyon Software
The KEY statement specifies the license control key. Each key is only valid for one combination of LICENSEE, SERIAL, NODES and OPTIONS statements.
Example:   KEY=ABCDEFG
The SERIAL statement specifies the product serial number. This number identifies your license for the product. Please provide this number whenever you need to contact Tachyon Software about your use of the product, including for technical support.
Example:   SERIAL=123456
The NODES statement specifies the names of the computers for which the product is licensed. If the NODES statement is not present, the license may not be restricted to specific computers. The computer names were provided to Tachyon Software when the license was granted. If you need to have the computer names changed, you will need to have Tachyon Software supply new values for all of the license control statements.
Example:   NODES=TACHYON1,tachyon2
If present, the OPTIONS statement specifies special license features. If you need to license additional features, you will need to have Tachyon Software supply new values for all of the license control statements.
If present, the EXPIRE statement specifies the date, upon which the license will expire. The expiration time is the start of the date, UCT. If not specified, the expiration date is derived from other sources.
Example:   EXPIRE=2001/01/18

Changing the License Control Statements

The license control statements are only specified in the tachyon.ini file supplied with the product. Therefore, this is the only file that needs to be modified if any of the license control statements need to be changed.

If a new version of the product was provided by Tachyon Software, new values for the license control statements will also be provided. You will only need to install the new version to obtain the new values, since a new tachyon.ini file will be installed.

If new tachyon.ini file has been supplied to you by Tachyon Software without a new version of the product, you will only need to replace the existing tachyon.ini file with a new one.

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© Copyright 1999-2001, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on January 18, 2001